Top 6 Programming Languages 2023 best choices For beginner

Top 6 Programming Languages in the world 2023, List Here :

1,  JavaScript
2,  Python
3,  Java
4, C/C++
5, PHP
6, C#

1, JavaScript :

JavaScript is regarded as a high-level language because of its straightforward syntax, which is simple to read and comprehend. Additionally, it offers high-level components including data types, functions, and control structures. Object-oriented and functional programming are also supported by JavaScript, making it simple to organize and structure code. JavaScript is a popular choice for creating a variety of apps since it is adaptable to many platforms and gadgets.

JavaScript Active developers: 12.4 million +

Why JavaScript is so popular?


A broad variety of applications, including basic interactive web pages & complicated online applications, as well as mobile apps, desktop apps, & server-side applications, may be made using JavaScript.

Web Integration:

JavaScript is primarily used web creating interactive & dynamic web pages. It is the only language that can run on the client-side of web pages, creating responsive & interactive users interfaces.

Popularity of the Web:

The widespread use of the internet has led to an increase in demand for web development, & JavaScript is the 1 language of the web. As a result, a large number of developers have learned & continue to learn JavaScript.

Large and Active Community:

JavaScript has a larges & active community of developers, which means that there are many many resources available such as videos and web tutorials, documentations, & third-party libraries. This makes it easier for developers to learn & use JavaScript.


JavaScript has a simple syntax Programming languages. This makes it easy to learn & use, That's similar to C-style languages.


JavaScript has evolved over time & now has several versions such as ES5, ES6 and so on. Each version introduces new features, making the language more powerful & easier to use.

Popularity among Companies:

Many companies example Google, Facebook, & Netflix & Other popular website use JavaScript. This has made it a popular choice for developers & companies looking to build web applications.

2,  Python :

Python is a general-purpose, high-level,  Interpreted Programming language. Python is Frequently used for Scripting, But it may also be used to Create a Broad variety of applications, including desktop apps, online applications, & applications for science & math.

Python Active developers: 9 million +

Why Python is so popular ?

Easy to Learn:

Python Has a Simple, & Clear & easy to read Syntax , Which Makes it Easy For Beginners and may Quickly Learn & Understand.


Python has A wide Range of uses, Including web Development, Data Analysis, Artificial intelligence, & Computers In the sciences & math.

Large Community:

Python has a large & active community of developers, which means that there are many resources available such as tutorials, documentation, & third party libraries.

Popular among Companies:

Python is used by several Popular businesses, like Google, NASA, & Spotify, in their development. Because of this, it is a well-liked option for developers & businesses wishing to create various apps.

Popularity in Data Science and AI:

One Of the most widely used languages in data science & artificial intelligence is Python. It offers large number of libraries for Machine learning, including Tensorflow, Pytorch, & scikit-learn, as well as libraries For manipulating data, including NumPy, SciPy, & Pandas.

Robust Standard Libraries:

For many typical programming activities, such as connecting to web servers, reading & writing files, & working with data, Python offers a sizable & strong standard library that contains modules.

3, Java :

Popular high level, general purpose programming language Java is intended to be platform independent. Sun Microsystems.  Although Java is based on the grammar of C and C++  it is easier to Use.

Java Active developers: 8.2 million +

Why Java is so popular?

Platform independence:

Java is A popular choice for creating cross-platform Apps because Java code Can Run without change On Any Platform that Supports Java.

Large Community:

There are numerous resources, including tutorials, documentation, and third-party libraries, because Java has a sizable and vibrant developer community.

Enterprise-level Applications:

Java is widely Used For building enterprise Level applications. such as Web applications, mobile apps, & desktop Applications.

Popular among Companies:

Java is used by many businesses, like Google, Amazon, & IBM. in their development. Because of this, it is a well liked option for developers & businesses wishing to Create enterprise level Apps.

Robust Standard Libraries:

Java is used by many businesses, like Google, Amazon, & IBM. in their development. Because of this, it is a well liked option for developers & businesses wishing to Create enterprise level Apps.

Object-Oriented Programming:

Java allows for object, oriented programming, Making it simple To structure & organize code.


Java has built in security Features that Make it suitable for Building, enterprise level Applications, such as The Java sandbox, which Provides a secure Environment For running Untrusted code.

Popularity in Android Development:

Java is a popular option For Mobile App developers since It Is The Official Language for developing Android apps.

4, c / c++ :

C & C++ Are both considered High Level programming languages. High-level languages Are closer to human language & abstracted from the Underlying Hardware, making them Easier to read, Understand, & write.

c/c++ Active developers: 6.3 million+

Why c/c++ is so popular?

Low-level access:

Both C & C++ offer low level Access to the system's Resources, making it Possible to Create code that is extremely performance Optimized. They Are so well Liked for System & application programming, including Device drivers, Embedded systems, & Operating Systems.


Since C & C++ Are regarded as swift & Effective programming Languages, they Are ideal for high-performance applications Like simulations, Games, & Scientific & technical Software.

Large Community:

C & C++ have a large & active community of developers, which means that there Are Many resources Available such as Tutorials, documentation, & third party Libraries.

Popular among Companies:

Many Companies. such as Microsoft / Apple / & Google use C& C++ in their development. This Has made Them popular choices for developers & companies looking to build High performance Applications.

Widely Used in Systems Programming:

C is widely used in system programming, it's the Core of Most of the operating systems. C++ is also Used in Systems Programming. but less Than C.

Legacy Code:

Since C & C++ have been around for a while, there is a ton of Code Already written in them, It's still in use today since C & C++ have Large corporate Codebases.

Widely taught in Universities:

C & C++ are Popular among programmers Because they Are Frequently Taught as the First Programming languages At institutions.

5, php :

PHP is a Server side, High Level Programming language, It is primarily used for Web development. but can also be used as a general Purpose programming Language, PHP is commonly used in combination With other languages, such as HTML, CSS, & JavaScript, to create Dynamic & interactive Websites.

PHP Active developers: 6.1 million+

Why PHP is so popular?


PHP is an open Source programming language.. which` means it is Free to Use and modify.. This makes It accessible To wide range of developers & Organizations

Widely supported:

PHP is supported by a Wide range Of web servers and Operating Systems.. making it a Versatile choice For web Development.

Large community:

PHP Has a large & Active community of Developers.. who contribute to its development & offer support to Others. This means that there are a lot of resources available to help Developers learn & Work with PHP.

Easy to learn:

PHP is Relatively easy to learn,, especially for Developers,, Who are Already Familiar,, with Other programming languages.. Its syntax is similar to other Popular languages like C & Java.

Large number of libraries and frameworks:

PHP Has A lot of Libraries & frameworks available, which can help,, Developer,, s to Build Web, Applications Quickly..

Widely used in CMS:

PHP is Used in Many Content Management Systems,, exempli gratia WordPress, Joomla,, & Drupal..

6,  c# :

C# is a high level,, object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft.. It is designed to be easy to use & is similar in syntax to Other popular Programming languages exempli  C++ & Java. C# is primarily used to develop Windows Desktop applications & video games, but it can Also be used to develop web applications & mobile apps Using the .NET framework. C# is considered a high level programming language as it provides a higher level of abstraction from the underlying hardware, making it easier for developers to Write & understand code.

C# Active developers: 6.0 million+

Why C# is so popular?

High-level language

C# is a modern, high-level programming language,, that is easy to learn & Use,, Especially for Developers,, Who are Already familiar with Other popular programming languages. exempli C++ & Java.

.NET framework

It is a component of the.NET framework.. a complete platform For Development that OFFER A Large range of libraries & Tools for Creating Different KINDS of Applications.

Windows :

-- Ideally suited for creating (video) games & Windows desktop Apps. ---

Active community:

C# has a large & Active community of Developers who contribute to its development & offer support to others. This means that there are a lot of resources available to help developers learn & work with C#.

Enterprise level application development :

C# is widely used in the industry, specially in enterprise level application development, making it Easy to find C# developers & C# related job Opportunities.

Statically-typed language:

C# is a Statically typed language which makes it more robust & less prone to errors, & it also has a lot of features that make it suitable for Large scale, Complex Software Development.

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