Front-End Developer | Become a Front End Developer in 2023-24? | best frontend languages ( quiclekha )

What is  Front-End Developer ? 

A front end developer is a Software developer,, Who specializes in the Development Of the user facing aspects of Web Applications,, They work on the Client side of web Development,, Creating the visual & interactive elements of a website or web application that users interact with directly. They are responsible for coding & implementing the design & Layout of a Website using HTML / CSS /& JavaScript / & they use a variety of tools & frameworks to make sure that the website or web Application is Functional, responsive,  & accessible to Users,,

Front end developer skills,  & Roadmap

Front end developer's main skills : HTML , CSS, JavaScript. Moreover, everything is maintained by the framework.

Front end developer Roadmap :

1, HTML :

Understanding The structure & Syntax Of HTML, & How to use it To Create web Pages.

2, CSS :

Knowing,, how to style website / web pages,, with CSS, including the layout,, color scheme,, & Typography.

3, JavaScript:

Understanding The basics,, of The JavaScript Programming Language,, & How to use, it to Create interactive website / web pages.

4, JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries:

Learning a JavaScript framework,, exempli React / Angular / or Vue.js, & Understanding, how To use it to build website / web Applications.

5, Accessibility:

Understanding Website / Web accessibility principles & how to Create website / web pages that Are accessible to users with Disabilities.

6, Browser Development Tools:

Learning How to use browser developer,, tools. to debug, & test website / Web Pages..

7, Responsive Design:

Understanding,, how to create Website,, / web Pages that look & function well on different, devices, & screen sizes..

8,Performance Optimization:

Understanding,, how to create Website,, / web Pages that look & function well on different, devices, & screen sizes..

9,Version Control:

Understanding How to use version Control systems Such as Git to manage code changes & Collaborate with other Developers.

10,Webpack and Build Tools::

Understanding how to Optimize and package,, your code for Production ,, use using build tools, like webpack..

11,SEO: :

Understanding the basics of SEO ''Search engine optimization'' & how it Can Be Applied to Web Pages.


Recognizing the fundamentals of online security and typical risks to web applications..

How to Become a Front End Developer in 2023-24?

With a rising need for web development abilities & the chance to work on cutting-edge projects, being a front-end developer in 2023–2024 Will be an interesting & fulfilling path. Listed below are some actions you may do to develop into a front-end developer:

What's the Average Frontend Developer Salary in 2023?

The typical PAY for a front End developer might VARY widely based on the region, Level of expertise, & size of the employer. However, According to Information from Glassdoor & Indeed,
the Average yearly Wage FOR a Front End Developer in The United States as of 2023 is Close to $80,000.

However, in More expensive Cities LIKE San Francisco, New York City, & Seattle, the average front-end developer salary can be as High as $120,000 OR More Per year. In smaller cities or rural areas,
the average front End Developer Salary MAY be Lower, around $70,000 Per year.

It is also important to note that salaries can vary depending on the company. Like tech companies, example Google, Facebook, & Amazon, tend to PAY higher salaries to front-end developers, 

while Salaries MAY be lower at smaller Startups or non tech Companies.

IN addition, the experience of the front End Developer also plays a key role in determining the Salary. 

A front End Developer with a few Years of experience can expect to earn a higher salary than a Developer just Starting out in Their career.
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